Presenting a Dance Video Lecture at London ABRC on July the 18th
As part of the conference 'Ecopoetics and Environmental Aesthetics' organized by the London Arts-Based Research Centre (17th-18th July), I am presenting 'From Ego- to Eco-Meaning Making: a Dance Video Lecture Exploring Artivism as Resolutive Tool'.
Keynote speaker is poet and writer, Ruth Padel, advocate for environmental causes and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
Over two days speakers will be presenting a variety of topics such as ecofeminism, environmental justice, nature symbolism, post-modernist ecology, amongst others.
You can reserve your online or in-person tickets here
Photo Credit: Alice Castiglione
Dancers from left: Valeria Famularo, Paola Napolitano, Korina Tsipoura, Helena Webb
